Blog 4: My Development as a Future Leader


The purpose of this blog is to discuss about the leadership style that suitable for myself which can be able to use in my career in the future. Also, I will share some of my leadership experience when I worked as a Modern Trade Key Account Representative of the forefront retailer and manufacturer company in my home country, Berli Jucker (BJC), Thailand. As mentioned in blog 2, there are innumerable number of leadership style. The most acceptable one is Lewin’s leadership style that contains three styles which are Autocratic (authoritarian), Democratic (participative), and Laissez-faire (Delegative) (Fentiman-Hall S., 2017). As Donald H. McGannon said, “Leadership is action, not position).


My leadership brand




The ideal leadership that I want to be in the future is the combination of democratic leader and transformational leader. With these two, I will be the leader who are open-minded that allow others to give an opinion but still have a right in final decision. Also, I think transactional leader which influence team members with punishment and reward is the short-term motivation to them, while transformation leader manages the relationship between leader and team members by using communication skill to share vision, and goal to encourage them and make them have a faith in the leader. In addition, I found the Hudson Leadership Model which focused on five components which are vision, action, impact, connection, and drive is very useful in terms of improving my leadership style (Hudson, 2018). Also, I believed that every employee need to be able to lead other, not only the high-level manager.




Demonstration of my leadership style




          When I was in Thailand, I worked as a Modern Trade Key Account Representative who take a responsible of tissue category and coordinate with the most valuable client in the company which is Tesco Lotus. In Thailand, almost every company have a high-power distance index acceding to the Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions which high level manager always have an authority (Mulder P., 2009). Although, I am not a manager who have a role to lead the subsidiary, I still have an opportunity to lead the product consultant (PC) which I have to understand them and use my leadership skill to make them trust in my potential. When I have a project, I always listen to their opinion and adapt it to the final decision that I have an authority to make. Furthermore, in my university life, sometimes I have been chosen to be the leader of the team which I also applied democratic leader style as my leadership style in order to manage the team without any conflict.


Development plan to become better leader


In Thailand, there are many autocratic leaders in the business world, and also political (Sifton J., 2017). Thus, I expected to see more democratic leaders in the future, and everything should start from myself. Not everyone is a natural leader, so those who is not should develop themselves to become the better leader. In order to develop my leadership skill, I will focus on passion, communication, listening, and following. In details, if the leader has a passion to lead and truly engaged with the task, others are willing to follow. So, it’s important for leader to be passionate. Also, communication is necessary for the leader, because leader have to communicate with the team members. With the high skill in communication, they can motivate their team members and make them inspired by the leader (Pham T., 2018). Moreover, good leader need to listen to other in order to get feedback regarding their leadership style which is a key to develop their style (Yan A., 2017). In addition, leader is not only lead, sometimes they have to follow others in order to get the better result. True leader need to be open-mind who allow their teammate to give an opinion (Author G., 2017).




Furthermore, OEC’s leadership development model which contains four stages, discover, design, deliver, and develop can be used to achieve goal in this aspect. This model will help to understand the process to develop better leadership style in the appropriate direction (OEC, 2018).




13 thoughts on “Blog 4: My Development as a Future Leader

  1. This was a great article which helped draw parallels between your personal development and the proceedings in class. It shows your growth in a nutshell and that is amazing to see.


    1. Thank you. I believed leadership is something that everyone need to improve by their own experience. Also, I still need to improve mine in order to become a better leadership.


    1. Sure! Hudson Leadership Model is is based on an evolution of ideas emerging from the long history of leadership models which designed specifically to focus on what is required of leaders in today’s uncertain business environment. Also, This Hudson Leadership model also evolves the traditional understanding of who is a leader.


  2. Its good way to be a democratic leaders yourself first and then expect from the world…..this line caught my eye….you are sure a good leader in making..👍🏻


    1. Thank Dilpreet, As i explained, there are many autocratic leaders in Thailand. My desire is to see every business in Thailand leading with the democratic leader but I can’t do it all by myself. Thus, I have to begin with the changing of myself. By the way, there still have a long journey waiting for me to be the better leader.


  3. Great work, use your previous job experience as an example is clearly explain your leadership style and you have a good plan to develop your leadership.


    1. Glad you like my post, Techin. In my opinion, using my own experience to explain something seem to be more clear and have more impact to the readers. Thus, i decided to use my work experience in the past to describe my leadership skill. Also, i think that everyone have their own way to develop their leadership. As i already explained mine in the content, if you have any plan to develop your leadership, we can discuss.


  4. Throught out your blog 4, Your combination of democratic and transformational leadearship style really good . Such leadership styles create to be a better leader. So far your development blog really impresive.


    1. Exactly, i think democratic leadership which allow their team member to involve in the decision-making process, and transformational leadership where the leader creating a vision to guide the change through inspiration are the most efficient style to become a good leader.


      1. I think so! To become a better leader, you definitely need to set your own plan to develop your leadership skill. In this post, I conducted the leadership development plan that suit with my personality to make it easy and comfortable when I apply it. Thus, i would like to recommend you to find out what is the leadership style that suit with you in order to make it more efficient. Good luck!


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